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Showing posts from July, 2024

What's Up Wednesday: July 2024 Edition

  What We're Eating This Week... Monday: Eggplant parm. Tuesday: Salad with tuna Wednesday: Pasta with sausage I'm not sure about the rest of the week. What I'm Reminiscing About... My trips to the lake. What I'm Loving... Lots of family time. Watching baseball and the Olympics. What I've Been Up To... We went to a camp resort for a family vacation and it was so much fun! I've been spending lots of time with family. What I'm Dreading... Nothing at the moment. What I'm Working On... Filming for my Youtube channel. What I'm Excited About... Trip to visit my family (went up in June and came back July 8th), family vacation to camp resort, my nephew N turned 16, watching baseball and the Olympics. I saw Sam Hunt, Russell Dickerson and George Birge in concert and I had the best time. All three guys put on an amazing show! What I'm Watching/Reading... Watching: Baseball, the Olympics, RHONJ, Hallmark. Reading: I read 6 books this month. My reading recap

My Month Is Booked: July 2024 Edition

 Here are the books I read in June:   The Wedding Party –L.R. Jones My Rating: 4 stars I really enjoyed this mystery novel. It was very good. It wasn’t overly violent or gory and I appreciated that.   You Look Beautiful Tonight –L.R. Jones My Rating: 3 stars This book was full of twists and turns I didn’t see coming. I totally did not see the ending coming.   Homerun Proposal –Maren Moore (Orleans University #1) My Rating: 3 stars I wish this book had more baseball talk in it. I also felt like it was overly heavy on the smut. I don’t mind some smut in books but I don’t like it when it’s over the top. I did really enjoy the parts of the books when they weren’t focusing on the smut scenes, but I felt like there needed to be a lot more of those parts.   She’s Up To No Good –Sara Goodman Confino My Rating: 4 stars This story follows two women (a grandmother & her granddaughter) and shares their story. I really loved this book. This is an author that I found