What We're Eating This Week... Monday: Chicken, French fries, veggies Tuesday: Leftovers (pasta) I'm not sure about the rest of the week. What I'm Reminiscing About... I feel like during the summer time I'm always reminiscing about the same things: my trips to visit my family in the summer and my trips to the lake growing up. What I'm Loving... Cat cuddles, watching and creating Youtube videos, watching baseball and movies, reading. What I've Been Up To... August has been a really rough month so I haven't been up to much aside from my usual hobbies. What I'm Dreading... Nothing at the moment. What I'm Working On... I just finalized my Youtube content schedule for the rest of the year. What I'm Excited About... I honestly wasn't excited about much this month as I said above it's been a rough month. What I'm Watching/Reading... Watching: Baseball, movies Reading: I Am Here: The Journey from Fear to Freedom -Ashley LeMieux What I'...