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Showing posts from May, 2018

TBB Asks: May Entertainment Edition

1. Comedy or Drama? I enjoy both but I prefer a drama. 2. Fiction or Non-Fiction? As an avid reader, I do enjoy both but my heart belongs to ficition. 3. Movies in Theater or At Home? Again, I enjoy both but if it's a movie I really want to see, I definitely want to see it in the theater. 4. Musical or Play? I love both musicals and plays but I would say I prefer musicals more. 5. Which Meal of The Day is Your Favorite To Eat Out? I love to eat breakfast out but don't get to do it too often, so I would say dinner. 6. Favorite Book Ever Read? Wow, this is a tough one. I would have to say the Kate Burkholder series by Linda Castillo. 7. Game Night: Yes or No? Yes. 8. Favorite Outside Game To Play? I don't play outside games to often anymore but as a kid, I absolutely loved man hunt. 9. Favorite TV Series Ever? Dawson's Creek is my all time favorite. Other series' that were other favorites are: Rook...