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Weekending: Family Fun & Fourth of July

Saturday marked the day of my last day with my family while they were down here visting. We had such a fun day. In the morning, my mom, sister C, niece A and I went and saw Inside Out. Before the movie, I stopped in Barnes & Noble and picked up an adult coloring book as I had a 20% off members coupon. The movie was really cute and we all enjoyed it. We came home and my grandma came over and we had a really delicious dinner including penne pasta with brussell sprouts, bacon, shallots, & aspargus (one of my mom's new recipe finds and such a yummy dish). After we ate dinner, my sister, BIL A, niece, nephew M and I went to the pool. It was my nephew's first time in the pool and he loved it. I held him in the pool and he was splashing and kicking up a storm. We came home and had desert. We also watched the Macy's Fireworks show on TV.

Credit: This Blog

On Sunday, we all got up early as my family was leaving to head back home. I gave my nephew M his bottle while they were packing up the car and then they left. I was so sad to see them go but I'm hoping to see them as many times as I can when I go to visit in a few weeks. I emptied the dishwasher and vacuumed and then I spent the rest of the day relaxing. I caught up on some TV shows, watched baseball, went to AC Moore with my mom, went on the computer and read.

It was so great getting to see my family. I got to spend quality time with my sister, BIL, niece A and bond with my nephew M. We played lots of peek a boo and I sang to him a lot and he loved when I made silly faces at him.

Credit: This Tumblr

I'm linking up with: Biana


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