One: Happy Halloween!! I hope all you ghouls & goblins have a very wonderful, fun, and safe Halloween!! :) Credit: Two: Chicago Fire, Law & Order: SVU, Chicago PD 3 episode crossover I'm so excited for the three show crossover on Chicago Fire, Law & Order: SVU, and Chicago PD. These are some of my favorite shows on TV right now so I'm really excited to see this special crossover event happening in two weeks. Credit: Pinterest Three: Erin Condren 2015 Life Planner I received my Erin Condren 2015 Life Planner, free cover (from the promotion they just did) and two coupons this week and I'm so excited to have received it. Stay tuned for a blog post about it this weekend or early next week. Credit: Pinterest Four: National Cat Day on 10/29 Wednesday was National Cat Day!! Here are two photos of my furbabies, Davey & Pumpkin: Five: Alex & Sierra's Debut Album I've been...