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Showing posts from August, 2016


Reading... I've been catching up on lots of blog posts that I've missed between my Summer job, going to NY to visit family, and having surgery. Watching... The current seasons of Pretty Little Liars & The Fosters. I also started recording Chesapeake Shores which is a new series on the Hallmark Channel. I'm also watching re-runs of Baywatch. My mom and I are watching Army Wives from the beginning on Netflix and we are currently in the middle of season 5. Excited... for the start of a new school year. I love the school I work at (part-time) and I would love to find a full time job at this school. I love the students I work with, the staff, and the environment. Feeling... that time is flying by so quickly. It feels like the year just started but we're already half-way through August. Wanting... to get my Erin Condren 2017 Life Planner & accessories review up this weekend as I didn't get it done this week. Loving... my family, being an aun...


Reading: I haven't started a new book yet. I've been so invested in the Olympics (I watch swimming, gymnastics, diving) and catching up on blog & Youtube videos that I have slacked on my reading. I did recently catch up on reading all of the magazines I had collected over the last few months. I'm definitely not going to be hitting my Goodreads Challenge Goal of reading 75 books this year. That goal was a little too high though considering I read 50 books last year. Listening/Watching: All of the Olympic coverage regarding swimming, gymnastics, and diving! Whenever I watch swimming in the Olympics, it brings back memories of the years I was on the swim team at my local pool in the Summer. I hated getting up early but when I got in the pool I always had the best times. One of my favorite parts of practice was when the coaches would let us get in the diving end of the pool the last twenty minutes of practice and would make us tread water and we could talk to our team...


Feeling... Grateful. I had surgery last week to fix a severely deviated septum and I'm so grateful and relieved that it went well and that the recovery went pretty well too. I had a few days of pain and discomfort and a little sickness from the antibiotics but I'm feeling much better. Aside from the antibiotics making me tired and the fact that I can't blow my nose yet (hoping that the doctor says I can do this soon when I go to my follow up appointment tomorrow), I'm feeling really great. Reading... I just finished reading "Falling" by Jane Green. I really enjoyed this book except I wasn't that crazy about the ending. I rated it 4 out of 5 stars on Goodreads. Watching... The current seasons of Scream, The Fosters, Pretty Little Liars, UnReal as well as NY Mets games. My mom and I are still watching Army Wives on Netflix. We're almost done with season 4 which is when we started watching the show when it was originally airing. Needin...

Books Read in July

Here are the books I read in July: 1. Summer Days & Summer Nights -Mulitiple Authors (started in June, finished in July) 3.5 out of 5 stars This is a short story anthology about Summer love. Last Winter, the editor of this book, Stephanie Perkins, came out with a Holiday short story anthology. While I didn't think the Summer edition was as good as the Holiday one, I still really enjoyed it. 2. The Unexpected Everything -Morgan Matson 4 out of 5 stars Morgan Matson is one of my current favorite Young Adult authors and this novel is her latest release. Just like all of her other books, I really enjoyed this novel. My favorite novel of hers is Amy & Roger's Epic Detour and that was the first book I read of hers. 3. The Summer I Turned Pretty -Jenny Han 3 out of 5 stars This was the first novel in a trilogy by Jenny Han. One of my favorite things about this series aside from the story line was the setting of the novel. 4. It's Not Su...