Reading... I've been catching up on lots of blog posts that I've missed between my Summer job, going to NY to visit family, and having surgery. Watching... The current seasons of Pretty Little Liars & The Fosters. I also started recording Chesapeake Shores which is a new series on the Hallmark Channel. I'm also watching re-runs of Baywatch. My mom and I are watching Army Wives from the beginning on Netflix and we are currently in the middle of season 5. Excited... for the start of a new school year. I love the school I work at (part-time) and I would love to find a full time job at this school. I love the students I work with, the staff, and the environment. Feeling... that time is flying by so quickly. It feels like the year just started but we're already half-way through August. Wanting... to get my Erin Condren 2017 Life Planner & accessories review up this weekend as I didn't get it done this week. Loving... my family, being an aun...