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Showing posts from November, 2020

What's Up Wednesday: November 2020 Edition

  What We're Eating This Week... Monday: I had takeout Buffalo Wild Wings. I always get the chicken wrap with tater tots. Tuesday: Ravioli Wednesday: Leftovers Thursday: All of the Thanksgiving food. Friday-Sunday: Thanksgiving leftovers. What I'm Reminiscing About... The Christmases I spent in NY with my family. I haven't been up to visit in over a year and I miss them like crazy, especially my nephews and nieces. What I'm Loving... I got to spend the day with my bestie and her son yesterday and we had so much fun. I'm loving the Christmas tree in my room and watching all of the Christmas movies. What I've Been Up To... I've been making and uploading planner Youtube videos. What I'm Working On... I'm working on some lists for Youtube channel content for 2021. What I'm Excited About... All things Christmas! What I'm Watching/Reading... Watching: TV shows, Christmas movies, Chicago PD Reading: I'm currently reading The Twelve Days of Dash...

Books Read in October 2020

  In October, I read three books. The Captain: A Memoir -David Wright My favorite athlete (who unfortunately had to retire early due to a serious back issue) wrote a book and I was so excited to get my hands on it. I loved it so much. It was so interesting to learn more about him and get to see his insights on various seasons and other things. If you're a David Wright or Mets fan, or even just a baseball fan in general, I highly recommend this book. I rated it 5 stars on Didn't See That Coming -Rachel Hollis It wasn't my favorite book by her but I still enjoyed it and would recommend it. I rated this book 3 stars. The Twelve Dates of Christmas -Jenny Bayliss This novel was super cute and adorable. I really enjoyed it. This is the author's debut novel and I'm excited to see what she comes out with next. If you like Christmas themed novels, I highly recommend this one. I rated it 4 stars.