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Showing posts from July, 2020

What's Up Wednesday ; July Edition

What We're Eating This Week... Monday: Buffalo Wild Wings (my order is always the same: chicken tender wrap with no sauce and tater tots) Tuesday: Pasta Wednesday: Leftovers I'm not sure about the rest of the week. What I'm Reminiscing About... All of my Summer trips to visit my family. With the virus, I'm unable to visit this Summer and I'm beyond sad about it. What I'm Loving... Making and posting videos for my planner Youtube channel, reading, spending time with my mom, listening to music. What I've Been Up To... Filming and uploading videos to my YT channel and doing lots of reading. What I'm Dreading... I'm having surgery next week and I'm dreading the actual procedure and the recovery. What I'm Working On... Nothing much at the moment. What I'm Excited About... I'm hoping that the surgery will fix the pain issues I've been dealing with for 3 and a half years...

Books Read In June 2020

In June, I read 5 books. (All images are from Goodreads, except the last two are from Amazon.) Things You Save In A Fire -Katherine Center I loved this book so much and it's on my top favorite list of the books I've read so far this year. I love this author's writing and read two more of her books this month as well. Her newest book just came out and I'm on the waitlist for that book at the library. I highly recommend this book. I rated this book 5 stars on How To Walk Away -Katherine Center I liked this book a lot and would recommend it. It was my favorite book but I still rated it 3 stars. The Lost Husband -Katherine Center This was a super cute book. I rated it 3 stars. I Was Told It Would Get Easier -Abbi Waxman I loved this book so much. Abbi Waxman's book The Bookish Life of Nina Hill was one of my favorite books that I read last year and I added this to my list of my favorite books for 20...