What We're Eating This Week... Monday: Flounder, brown rice mixed with grains, carrots Tuesday: Steak, French Fries, leftover carrots Wednesday: Quesadillas, chips/guac And I'm not sure about the rest of the week. What I'm Reminiscing About... Nothing at the moment. What I'm Loving... Spending time with my mom, I spent the day with my bestie, A and her son/my buddy B on the 12th before we started self-isolating and we had a lot of fun. I'm also loving watching Youtube and movies and making planner videos. What I've Been Up To... My mom and I deep cleaned and re-organized my room on the 20th and 21st. What I'm Dreading... The cost of medical appointments and treatments. What I'm Working On... Besides the deep clean and re-organization of my room, I've been making planner videos for Youtube. What I'm Excited About... I'm loving how my room turned out! What I'm Watching/Re...